Deep Relationship Coaching for Professional Women

Learn How To Re-build Self and Create Peace and Harmony In Your Married Life Without Losing Dignity or Sacrificing Career

Premium Marriage Makeover Program


Emotional Makeover

From Emotional Pain to Life Time of Peace


Reconnect and Rebuild

From Loneliness to Joyful company


Talking that Impacts

From Indifference to Best Friends

What You Get In Our Marriage Makeover Program

  • You will be empowered to create the relationship you wish to have with your husband.

  • You will understand and enjoy the relationship from a new perspective without having to agree with him or pushing your partner to agree with you.

  • You will heal all your emotional pain and also learn to harmonise your emotions to express your thoughts in ways that disagreements get resolved easily and peacefully.

  • You will find the peace and joy within you and restore the respect and emotional connection in the relationship.

  • You will find your partnership with your spouse deeper, richer and more rewarding than ever before.

  • Last but not the least you will stand up to be the woman of charisma who vibrates with peace and love and also becomes a role model for the family and society inspiring all others to create and  live the life of dreams just as you.

  • So.…this program is not just about fixing the relationship, it’s also about the person you become in the process that transforms every other aspect of your life; be it your health, wealth or relationship

Our Three Pillars Of Success For You In Our Marriage Makeover Program

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You need not compromise anymore.

Just allow yourself to awaken the little girl inside you and become the authentic self you are

With a broken heart it is not possible to heal your relationship. 

With so much of emotional pain you have been carrying so far, your entire family suffers; the worst being your children. In this module, we help you to heal your emotions so that you get the soil ready for the new seeds to be sown; the seeds of peace and joy within. 

This leads to deep transformation changes that opens the door to more profound and life lasting changes leading you to become the best version of yourself.

The relationship with your partner is broken and there is complete loss of emotional connection. 

You have tried your level best but nothing is working. You begin to wonder if your relationship is ever going to work out ! At this phase of coaching, you will learn how to reconnect and rebuild your relationship with your husband without chasing him. 

With the new ways you begin to connect, you will become the woman your partner/husband will always turn to…..the irresistible!

A woman rules from her heart and when heart is broken, what you and how you communicate with your partner has a reflection of your hurts that pushes him away even further. 

Having sown the seeds and having become the woman he turns to, you will need to know how to speak your heart out so that the emotional connection begins to build up and both you and your partner/husband feel free to express what’s deep inside and also become the friends for life.

Just a few bonuses you will get in our program

  • You will manifest the best and the ideal version of yourself.
  • Your parenting will be more positive and impactful than ever before.
  • You will experience marked progress in all other aspects – Health, Wealth, Professional, Social life
  • You will create your new identity beyond ‘wife of…’
  • You will experience a new journey on the path of Spirituality.

Meet Parull Diwaan

Psychologist, Master Practitioner NLP, Relationship and Life coach with 20+ years of experience in the corporate and education sector, she was awarded as the best HR professional during her stint with the Corporates. Before stepping into relationship coaching, she worked as a freelancer helping children and adults with issues of insomnia, anxiety, performance stress, relationship issues etc.

Currently, she helps professional women like you  who are contemplating separation or are having relationship struggles in your married life, to re build the relationship of compassion, love and understanding with your partner/spouse without losing your dignity or sacrificing career.
You not only save your relationship in your coaching journey with her, you also experience a deep transformation of yourself so as to emerge as empowered woman who emerges and evolves to be the one who creates the life you want. It is all the aspects of your life – Health, Wealth and Relationships that see the new light of the day for the rest of your life.

Parul is, in my opinion, one of the best coaches in the country and without a doubt the top relationship coach in India. Her dedication and commitment to her clients are tops. Paruls coaching and high-level coaching program create transformation. It's been my great fortune to work closely with her in the premium and high-end coaching profession.
Brajamohan Das
The most advanced, holistic & complete premium coach training in the world!
Parul's coaching and mentoring strength comes from a deep understanding and experience in her field of expertise. From triumphing over her own struggles, to helping many other successful females do the same, Parul is able to carefully navigate hurdles along the client-coach journey to offer value and results - with empathy, class and attention. Highly recommended. PS> For those who've not had a chance - I recommend Parul's live vlogs - her voice alone is enriching and engaging. Prash
Prash Kotecha
Success Mentor | Helping Leaders & Business Owners Sort Out Their Stress & Wellbeing for Better Impact, Leadership & Success