
You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects of your working with us or with respect to your purchase of Aahaamarriedlife.com products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others.

Any examples, are only estimates of what we think you could achieve. There is no assurance you will do as well as stated in any examples. If you rely upon any results mentioned in the examples or testimonials, you must accept the entire risk of not doing as well as the information provided.

There is no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to your relationships with others or with yourself will apply, nor can any prior successes be used, as an indication of your future success or results from any of the information, content, or strategies. Any and all claims or representations as to the relationships with self or others are not to be considered as “guaranteed results”.